Monday, November 9, 2015

Fall Days

 My little buddy.
We really had a great fall!  The weather was overall pretty warm and we really tried to enjoy those days outdoors.
Grey loves to be outside, play basketball and go for walks.
 Grey at the Dr. office for one of his wt. checks.  He is still on the small side but growing!
He is one healthy boy and talks so well these days.  I just love listening to his sweet voice and the adorable little things he comes up with.
Sophia lost one of her upper teeth this fall!  And actually now, she has lost both her 2 front teeth.  That makes 4 in all.

Grey is really into books!  He loves it when you read to him and he likes to "read" it on his own as well.

My happy boy.

 One beautiful warm fall day, Grey and I had lunch on the deck. 
We had to come in though because the bees were starting to swarm...
so...we finished our lunch inside.

As you can see, Grey loves to sit on the big chairs around the island instead of his highchair....he thinks he is pretty big.

Soph is soooo into her gymnastics and is constantly doing gymnastics on the floor, couches and everywhere she can.

What a little gymnast.

My boys playing together so cute.

Grey has been liking to color these days as well.  Although, he usually ends up with a lot of it on his face and hands somehow.

Gav and his funny glasses.

2 goofballs.

Our 3 cute pumpkins that we grew this year in our garden.

A bunch of neighbor kids playing together one evening in the warm fall weather.
Love our neighborhood!

Grey trying a Halloween cookie that Nana Bobbie sent to the kids....yummy!

Grey and Millie.


We have a house being built behind us and Grey LOVES to watch the ""big trucks" and "big diggers" build the house.  This is such great free entertainment that he just loves!

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