Saturday, February 9, 2013

At The Moment

Brother & Sister.

At the moment, our lives are packed with 2 full of energy and full of life kids. Sophia and Gavin are best of friends and play together sooo nice is so sweet to see them play house together or get their "house" cleaned up for a "party". They play everything from babies, cars, trains, do art projects, gymnastics and of coarse dress-up with princesses and knights in shining armor.  Needless to say, these 2 kids have never-ending energy for family fun activities which definitely keeps Mommy & Daddy on their toes!
 Sophia, our newly appointed 5 yr. old, goes to preschool 3 afternoons a week and does gymnastics 2 evenings a week.  She loves being busy and her favorite days include going to preschool, doing lots of art projects and practicing her new gymnastics skills in the living room.  She definitely takes advantage of her ex-gymnastics coach mother:)  Can't say that I mind:)  She is very organized and a very easy (I can say that now that she is 5!) and good-natured child.  Her sweetness inspires me everyday to improve my own demeanor....which can use a little inspiration now and then:)  Sophia could do art projects all day long!  She is a very creative and organized little girl and a bit of a perfectionist like her father.  And what does she get from her mother do you ask???  Sophia and I share a passion for fashion, organization and of coarse, gymnastics:)  What a lovely little girl she has grown that cannot wait to get on a big yellow bus and go to Kindergarten.
Gavin, our almost 3 1/2 year old, is amidst the "trying 3's" stage.  He is always goofy, likes to "take-charge" and is always making some sort of sound with never-ending energy.  He loves to play with all of his toys, preferably at the same time and could do so all day long. He loves to play with his sister, chase Millie around the house and imagine that he is the "man-of-the-house"....which is what his Daddy always tells him. Our smart little boy has an answer/explanation for everything that comes his way and definitely has his "trying 3's" moments:) Gavin is not so much interested in potty training at this, maybe some day he will be ready:)  Little G has the funniest giggle I have ever heard which never fails to make me giggle too....he is such a character!

Not-so-happy Gavin.  Yes, he actually wanted me to take these pictures but didn't want to smile...sigh.

Cooperative and happy Sophia wanted some pics taken of her too:)

The kids getting a ride from Daddy.

S & G enjoying some "coffee"

Playing trains together.

This is how I found Sophia one night as I was checking on her before I went to bed myself....So funny!  I actually turned on the light in her bedroom to take a couple pictures of her...but of coarse it didn't bother her!

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