As of February 21st, Greyson was 3 months old! Time has really gone fast! At 3 months he now weighs 10 lbs, 7 oz.
Grey has been sleeping through the night since 2 months of age! Boy do I love that! He is getting better at his naps and usually eats every 3-4 hours. He is sleeping in his crib now and has been doing great with that. He is such a sweet and smiley little guy! He loves to be around us all and be doing whatever we are doing. He also still likes his pacifier or to be chewing on his hands. He is quite good at holding his head up and sits in his bumbo chair for good amounts of time. He still has a fussy period in the late evening.
Little Grey is such a joy and brings so many smiles to every one of his family members!
One of my faves:)
Love those little legs!